
Today with my teacher Miss raj , we read a article about basketball , After a few minutes read the article about basketball we had some quiestion and answer about basket

The shinny littel kiwi

Today I designed a navritve for 5 and 6 years olds.

Once upon a time , there were three little eggs  resting in the nest waiting to hatch. After waiting for a long time, Egg one and egg 2  hatch . “Tweet Tweet” said the little birds  Waiting on the third egg to hatch . A few Hours past  the egg still haven’t  hatched,  Let’s just give it some time for now . The next day past “Crack sound started to happen  ” Look look Said baby bird is hatching  yelled to mama bird . Everyone rushed to see the egg hatch. “WOW LOOK” the egg is hatching. egg shells stared to breck Piece by piece , here it  comes the  baby bird yelled It took Some  time to hatch out of the egg. Until they saw a little shiny beck .”WOW look i can see the beck” Baby bird said. After a few minutes the baby bird Popped out. Their eyes went big “Whaaaat” said the baby bird . Shiny Glowing Gems on their feathers Nice blue eyes  like the sky . They were shocked Noticing that they didn’t look like the others. Hmm are u sure this is our bird said the dad. They were confuse noticing that it wasnt there baby they didn’t know what to do .few days past they notice that it was a kiwi “WOW a kiwi i haven’t seen this kind of kiwi with diamond and shiny gems on there feather” it must be a mysterious Kiwi we will never know.


Toitoi – Serpents

Toitoi- Serpentes


The serpentes 

Today this afternoon I read some interesting poems/ paragraphs in the toitoi book . They were all amazing. I couldn’t decide which book to write about , so I came to this interesting page called the Serpents.. It’s a poem. There were some interesting words and the most amazing thing was that it was made by an 11 year old. Her name was Lilah Hughes . it’s about a snake / serpents and she was saying things about the serpents / snake . the word that she wrote “spitting poison, dislocating jaws whatever you have to do survive” it was the best I really love the sentence that she wrote . did you knowA snake skeleton has 600-1800 bones, depending on the species” WOW

-Smart frootprint- (Cybersmart challenge)

Today we learnt about our smart frootprint , smart footprint is where u leave a mark ( exmple: I liked ,follwed ,share a video it will leave a mark )  meaning the video that u liked follwed and share they can see it . So today we went on our school history and saw what we did in that 24hours , making sure its the right thing . HERES WHAT I DID

(Here are some things that i found on my school history )

Embedding diffrent Digital Learning Objects ( DOL ) on our blog.

Embedding learning into our Blogs

By Genevieve

There are lots of different types of digital learning objects we embed into our blogs on a daily basis.

My favorite thing to share on my blog is My work 

The easiest learning to share is my writing in Google Docs, simply just Copy and Paste it from the Google Doc onto your blog. However, don’t forget to use CTRL + SHIFT + V so that it gets rid of the formatting. You can always change the formatting on your blog.

Take a look at the other ways below

My Monsters About me

RAWWWRR.RAWRR and my name is bogeyman and I look like a 28  year old but i’m really  67 years old.I was  a lil dinosaur but when i grew up to the age of 10 i turned into a green goblin  with red spikes on my back , with orange pointy ears and ching eyes. My favourite subject is  Reading because my eyes we’re built to read novels and different kinds of books and it will just take me 10 to 5 seconds to read a whole book.On the weekends , I will visit my friends and go hunting  for yummy bugs and insects , at night I will sneak out and go get some maccs and go eat my maccas at the beach. 

Task Deseription:Today in cybersmart we were discussing the idea of smart footprint, and how we can advertise ourselves online in a postive way. Instead of doing our own we created our monster about me 🙂